Online Workshop “Rashtriya Avishkaar Abhiyan” by Dr. Dinesh Kumar
A comprehensive Online workshop was conducted for students of class IX & XI to apprise the learners with Rashtriya Avishkaar Abhiyan. The resource person Mr. Dinesh Kumar, an eminent educationist and a professor of Zoology at DESM, NCERT,New Delhi conducted a lively session on the topic. He has served in KVS as Additional Commissioner (Acad.) for four years. Therefore, he is well versed with the needs and expectation from the KVians and he motivated the children accordingly. He detailed the students on a variety of aspects and activities to provide a nourishing and nurturing platform for schools in a dual track approach to make Science, mathematics and Technology exciting for children.
Mr Dinesh Kumar opened his deliberations with a talk about introduction to Rashtriya Avishkaar Abhiyaan as an initiative launched by Ministry of Education , Government of India in 2015 for nurturing a spirit of enquiry , curiosity and a love for science and mathematics among school students . He talked about amendments in the field of education, possibilities , policies and directions of government, National Steering Committee and many other core enlightening ideas of CBSE. His expertise encompassed discussion about National Education Policy, School Science clubs, investigatory projects, School level Water Conservation projects , Food Adulteration , waste management and Environment conservation, Tree Plantation drive to fight threat posed by Global warming etc.
The zeal and enthusiasm of the speaker infected the leaners as well as they raised queries and doubts which Prof. Dinesh Kumar satisfied and enriched the children.